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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Salem

It's a rainy day so park it.

Local museum

Now that's a cow!

Greetings to all our faithful followers.  Been off the  grid for a few days waiting out the showers and gusty winds although here at the Oahe State Park it didn’t seem too bad.  Sunny, warm and down below the wind.  It is peaceful here and at the moment we are the only ones in this section of the park.  I can see that it might be busy here in the summer time with all these nice cotton wood for shade.  They are just starting to bud out so the cotton will be all over the place soon.

Tomorrow (Monday)  we may head north to North Dakota and see what we get for winds and rain.  If we don’t do anything we will never get home.

Well here we are on the road.  We’ve decided it is nice enough, at least for today, to put a few miles under our belt. Destination, maybe New Salem, just 27 miles west of Bismark.  We stopped in Bismark at the tourist information center to try and check emails but no luck.  We got connected but couldn’t get to Yahoo for some unexplained reason.  So we headed west and stopped in New Salem.  If you’ve ever driven on Interstate 94 just west of Bismark (27 miles), there is a huge Holstein statue up on the hill above town(and I mean huge).  They have an RV park operated by the town, right next to this beautiful green town golf course.  It was only $5 for the first night and $3 for each subsequent night.  They didn’t have the water turned on yet but that was a minor inconvenience.  I think it was only $10 for 9 holes of golf.
I rode Wendy’s bike into town to the local café and sandwich shop (which had wifi) so I could check emails and update the blog a little bit.  Coffee was only $1.  Prices are all over the map up here.  Cheap RV parking, $1 coffee, 99cent/lb bananas, 50 cent /gal  RO water refills, $4 gasoline, $5.85 gal. skim milk.  I remember Kerrville had 25 cent water, 30 cent bananas, $1.98 skim milk. 
Well that’s about it for now.

I think I forgot to tell you that we inadvertently let 2 hitchhikers join us on our journey.  Initially they called themselves Cold and Miserable but we later found out they really were Cough and Hack.   We tried to replace them at different spots with Rest and Relaxation but they kept showing up.  I’m really a Sunshine boy (May edition) and these two, Dull and Dreary I’ve come to call them, are really slowing us down.  We’ve tried different prescriptions to get rid of them like Cold and Flu, Chest and Nasal, Vicks and Advil but to no avail.  I’ve just bought Mucinex-DM (at $25 for 40 tablets) to evict these guys.  Don’t you just hate it when you are coughing and you think that you will probably have a brain aneurysm from the pressure splitting your skull.  We’ve all seen the TV ads about these guys settling in, well enough of being the nice guy.  Flem and Mucus (my latest names for them) you’re out of here.

Well we got up this late this morning(Wed. may 11) planning on putting a few miles under our belt  and try for Fort Peck, MT.  Where did we get?  Nowhere.  Had coffee and went back to bed and before you knew it, it is afternoon.  We're now down at the local internet cafe having another coffee and we'll have a bowl of soup and maybe tomorrow we'll head on.  Maybe.  Bye for now

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