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Friday, April 22, 2011

Eye Exam

The eye exam went well for the both of us.  Mine(Ken) hasn't changed any and Wendy is about the same with just a possible change in the type of contact.  Our niece has this new machine called an Optovue Eye scanner.  It is a hi-tech machine that give you a 3D image of the retina.  It almost does away with that puff test that people hate so much.  It gives advance warning of diabetes and macular degeration.  Anyway we're fine.  Our niece was pretty busy but we will go out for supper tonight.  That will work out well as we will be able to head on to Nebraska Sat. while there is a break in the weather.

I'll try to add a picture here.  The median was just covered in white and pink flowers.

Well, I'm still fighting with adding pictures so this is all you get.  Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. Good to SEE you today! Thank you so much for the travels! Holli
