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Friday, April 29, 2011

On the acreage

This is a picture of our niece  Michelle, husband and family.

The wind was sure blowing from the south today.  It would have been a good day to head north but not for a few days yet.  We have to see the kids dance recital tomorrow.  It will be fun.

This was our campsite while we were at Campaway in Lincoln.

My brother will remember this shot of York, Nebraska.

This is Kevin and Michelle's place.

The half of the picture.

I think they save work for Uncle Ken.  Watered about a hundred trees in the last 2 days.  Not really complaining--I enjoy it.

That me working in a 40 mph wind.  And we thought Lethbridge was bad!!
Well I think that brings everyone up to date.  Tomorrow is the recital.  Should be fun.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter eggs

Doesn't feel like Easter as we are used to warmer weather..  Must be global warming gone amuck.

This a picture of Wendy and her sister JoAnn.  They were busy hiding eggs for little Max who was about to come for a visit.

It's hard to get everyone to stand still for a group picture.

We were trying to figure out what flavor the suckers were.
Max was so proud giving us each some treats.  We had a good afternoon and evening.  It was a good visit with more to come.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

We were a little crowded in KC but it was only for 2 days and everyone was very friendly.  There actually aren't very many RV parks in KC.  Only 4 and this one had only 50 spots and most of them were permanent residents.  I certainly wouldn't want to live in an RV in KC.  Way too cold in the winter.

Our niece Holli did a great job on our eyes.  We had a nice visit and need to come back more often.  She has some really hi tech equipment to see what is really going on with our eyes.
I think we're easy on everyone's eyes!

This was a artery clogging delight that my doctor would strangle me if she knew I had had. What happens in Omaha, stays in Omaha!

We visited with Wendy's cousin and and Wendy's sister.  It was a nice visit and was too short as usual.

I forgot to add this picture from when we were in Oklahoma.  Sure glad we missed that storm!!

These were flowers blooming along the median in Oklahoma.  It was really quite pretty.

We had this truck park beside us at a rest stop in Oklahoma.  He must have had an opening in his netting as when he left there were a few hundred bees still buzzing around our RV.  I guess that's why he didn't want to spend a lot of time talking with me about CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder)  and the price of honey.  He was moving his hives from the Houston area back to Minnesota.

We went through 4 states yesterday.  Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska.  Time we rested a few days.  Bye for now.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Eye Exam

The eye exam went well for the both of us.  Mine(Ken) hasn't changed any and Wendy is about the same with just a possible change in the type of contact.  Our niece has this new machine called an Optovue Eye scanner.  It is a hi-tech machine that give you a 3D image of the retina.  It almost does away with that puff test that people hate so much.  It gives advance warning of diabetes and macular degeration.  Anyway we're fine.  Our niece was pretty busy but we will go out for supper tonight.  That will work out well as we will be able to head on to Nebraska Sat. while there is a break in the weather.

I'll try to add a picture here.  The median was just covered in white and pink flowers.

Well, I'm still fighting with adding pictures so this is all you get.  Bye for now.

Good Friday

Greetings to all.  As we sit here in Kansas City it is raining.  Much needed.  Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas are pretty dry so I imagine all the farmers are happy.  This morning Wendy and I go for our eye examination by our niece.  It will be nice to visit also.

The big fires in Texas were just 15 miles from where we were camping.  I understand that over 150 homes had to be evacuated near Possum Kingdom Lake.  Lots of homes destroyed.  We forgot to take pictures of the smoke cloud as we headed north.

Tried to add some pictures but for some reason it isn't working.  Go figure.  Well anyway we are fine and trying to stay dry.  Hopefully will be nicer tomorrow with just a bit of a head wind.  Sure hurts when you have to pay $100 to fill the truck!!  Keep smiling.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Getting ready

As we start packing up for a trip North, I think of "Little House on the Prairie" life.  Such a big trip would be a monumental undertaking and now we hardly think much about it.  Today, tomorrow or the day after--no big deal.  Just hook up and do it.  Maybe just look on the internet to see how the weather will be 800 miles from here and several days from now.  It is hard to imagine only going about 20 to 30 miles a day.

I think when we leave the weather will be fairly nice until we get to Kansas City where we will have our eyes checked by our niece.  Then up to Nebraska(where they had some roads closed due to snow just yesterday).  Actually it is warming up so should be nice when we get there.

Well off to do some shopping.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Beautiful weather

Things are green here.  Starting to pack up in advance of next week's move.  My brother made it further north than I thought and missed the violent weather in Oklahoma.  At this time of year it is kind of a game of tag with the weather as we head north.

It nice to see all the green.
Dirty job but someone has to do it!

Interesting use of pvc piping.
Well off to pool. Have a good day.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dropping, dropping

Can you believe it?  Gas went down 2 cents, now $3.68.  Was a beautiful day- low 80's.  Changed spark plugs and air filter on truck, getting ready for trip North.  Not sure where David is- probably hunkered down in some tornado shelter in Oklahoma!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Guess what?

Just looked out the window and they just changed the price of gas up to $3.70.  That's another 8 cents since Sat. and about 90 cents since we came down here in Nov.

All those wild fires here in Texas aren't near here.  Just in case you're wondering. Mostly up north Got about a half inch of rain last night.  Could use a week's worth of those rains to make a difference. 
David and Myrna come in tomorrow for a visit.  It will be nice to see them.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Gas up again

After my swim this morning, I noticed across the street that gas went up 2 cents.  Creeping, creeping.

A couple of days ago we went to Walmart and I dropped Wendy off at the door and went to park.  Right beside where I parked I noticed a cart with a purse in it.  No one around.  Well I took it in to the service desk and left it there.  When we finished shopping we went out to the truck and who should drive by and ask  if anyone had seen a purse?  She was only in her early 30's,  we were expecting to see some bubby.  Guess she just had a lot on her plate.  Told her where to go (service desk) and she thanked us profusely and drove off.  Guess she couldn't reward us as she didn't have a purse!  Wouldn't have taken anything anyway.

About 2 months ago I found a shopping cart filled with bags of newly purchased clothes.  I took that to the service center also.  About a dozen years ago, here in Texas, at a motel I was checking into, I found a 44 magnum revolver on top of the vehicle next to my truck.  I returned that to person in the next room.  Maybe it is the water that we drink down her.

67 corvette.  Felt like getting in.

Hot for the next few days- mid 90's.  They sure need rain around here.  If they don't get rain soon they will be on water rationing in the next few weeks.
Well I better go swimming and cool off.  Bye for now.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gas prices up

       Up, up and away!!  Looked over this morning and saw that gas went up last night to $3.60/gal.  that's up 30 cents in just one month and I've forgotten what they were when we first arrived.  I think it was $2.89 and that was Nov./2010.  I heard that the price of gas has doubled since Nobama went into office.
        Well on a more up beat note we took a few pictures.

That's us at Cracker Barrel just after lunch on our anniversary.
These are lilys in a lot just down the street.  and the next one is of bluebonnets there also.  The bluebonnets won't be very good this year has it hasn't rain forever so we are in somewhat of a drought!!
Well everyone have a good day.  It is a bowl of blue out there and up to mid 70's so we better get out and enjoy it.