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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our little town

Well, I was out to the salvage to drop off some stuff and just had to take a picture of our little town on the way home. If my sister can add pictures to her blog, so can I.

It is hard to believe we are just a short distance from the "big city".

Just trying to figure out how much long it takes to upload a large jpg picture as to a small one.

Now I'm having trouble adding another picture so I guess I'll just post this and try again later. If it will post?

Well it posted. There was another window open under this one so I didn't seethat any thing was happening when I clicked the add picture. and it does upload a lot faster with the smaller picture.
The one on the 28 is behind our RV, 29 is looking towards Calgary, and the 30 is looking towards Okotoks. No snow yet!!

1 comment:

  1. You can't beat those blue Alberta skies! Love the contrast with the trees. Love your new blog look too.
