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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nothing profound

Hi y'all. Just paid the rent so we're here in Kerrville, TX for another month. We didn't pay for cable this month and it seems more peaceful already. If anything important happens you can let us know. It was a sunny day in the mid70's so it seems that everyone in the park was out puttering and cleaning. We were no exception. It feels good to get things straightened up.

I always feel that I'm supposed to say something witty or profound or both when I do these blogs. Creative juices just aren't there sometime. I t does help on my typing skills though.

A friend in the park told us a story about a 4 year old at the doctor's office and the nurse let the little guy listen to his own heart beating with her stethoscope. He seemed really entralled with it all and after awhile he asked, "Is that Jesus knocking at the door of my heart?" I guess it is just that easy-we just have listen and open the door. (Rev3:20)

This blogging is a bit of a pain learning all the new settings. At least the computer warns me of mistakes I might be making if I decide to wander off some where without saving. I am a bit frustrated with this new Windows7 because if I want to print something out I'm stymied as my laser printer doesn't work with Windows7. You would think that Microsoft would be able to come up with some generic driver to do some basic printing without my having to go out and buy a brand new printer! I can get around it by saving it to a flash memory card then booting up my old lap top and then printing it with that hooked up to my old printer.
I think I am going top have to start working on the blogs in Word and then transfer them when I have intenet access. I had about another half page done last night when we lost our internet access and so lost whatever hadn't been saved by the automatic draft saving feature. Oh well. What I was suggesting was some internet sites that I thought we pretty good.
  1. great for checking out forwards and rumors
  2. great for facts on countries and peoples
  3. different bible studies and facts
  4. mypersonal favorite for bible studies mp3

Well things to do so will post this and get on with life. K&W


  1. I should have posted that yesterday at 3:38 but it in actuality didn't get posted until this morning(the next day) at 11:05. I guess it goes by when the draft was saved. fyi

  2. I think you can actually tell it how you want it saved as to the time factor. Just go to Settings on your Dashboard. It is in there somewhere because it asked me.
