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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

27 years

March 28, 1984  Can you believe it??  Still smiling!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

pineapple upsidedown

Well this is what I made for Wed. pot luck.  Turned out pretty good.  Weather is very nice-mid 80's .  Enjoying.  Pool awaits.  Bye

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Hello..... yes it seems like is really nice and we are enjoying the swimming pool daily.  The red bud trees are in bloom ....
  Ken uses his flippers in the pool and is quite the swimmer...
  I am over my cold so feeling more riding again.
  Thunder in the hills term in this area because of all the motorcycles that come to the Hill Country to ride their another sign it is warmer and there is thunder in the hills.......
My trip to CA was really nice..... My two Cousins sang "OCanada" all verses with wonderful tenor voices.... they have season tickets for the San Jose Sharks hockey..... so they hear the Canadian National Anthem ....So they were real sincere on singing.... wish Ken could of been there to enjoy it more...
  My time in Santa Clara was very nice....I thank God for my time together.......with my precious Cousins....

  We went for a 2 + mile bike ride and had some wonderful weather......hi this is the first time I am trying this Blog pictures are double.... but shows us swimming and me (Wendy) in CA with Cousins....
Happy Spring.....


Friday, March 4, 2011

To clutch or not...

Just got the truck back from the shop.  It died on us on the way back from Austin just 2 blocks from home. Managed to limp it in to the park without shifting.  Took it to a local mechanic, refuse to go to a dealership as I would have had to put a lien on my wife.  Had a crack in the slave cylinder but of course had to do some preventative and change out the master as well.  And to add insult to injury had to change out the clutch/brake pedal assembly because the bushings were shot.  No such thing as changing out just the bushings, no you have to change out the whole assembly.  Ford engineers!!**@@<<>>  Well everything said and done and it was $628 total bill.  At least we didn't have to replace the clutch.  That would have been another $600-$700 touch.  If we did it a dealership it would probably be 3X as much.  I guess I shouldn't really complain, as the truck really hasn't cost us much in maintenance costs since buying it. 

Our good friend Jo sold her RV and will be moving to Shreveport.  Going out for lunch to say our goodbyes.  Her husband passed away about a year ago and she now has decided it is time to give up the RV lifestyle and settle down in some assisted living place close to her kids, grand kids, great grand kids.  She's 86 and we don't even try to keep up to her in her PT Cruiser.

Well gas prices at the moment are $3.30.  Wonder how it will be a month from now when we start our migration North??  Mid 70's for temp here now so not really in a hurry yet.

Things to do. Bye for now.  No pics this time

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Well it has been awhile since our last post so I guess we better update. I looked out the window this morning and see the gas price went up another 10 cents a gallon. Now $3.30 a gallon. Unreal!
I picked Wendy up from the airport Monday. She enjoyed her time in California but managed to catch a cold the last day there. No wonder! Look at the snow.